Overview of the Registration under EPR for Waste Tyres

India discards approximately 275,000 tyres each year; over and above this number, about 3 million waste tyres are imported for recycling. To deal with tyre waste Management, the government implemented the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, in 2016. It laid down the responsibilities of producers of tyres, as well as the recyclers and re-treaters. After many subsequent amendments, the MoEF&CC notified the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022, in July 2022. which made a compulsion of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Waste Tyres.

Producers must register on the CPCB’s centralized EPR portal mandatory for producers, recyclers and re-treaters. The 2022 amendment also had provision for the utilization and management of waste tyres through the Extended Producers Responsibility regime w.r.t waste tyres as per schedule-IX of the 2022 Rules. The centralized portal for the waste tyre management system, which is an online portal, has become active. All the stakeholders, like producers, recyclers and re-treaters, must register to continue operations in the country. The present EPR obligation module is limited to online submission of information related to quantities of tyres introduced into the market by producers and generation of EPR obligation.

Obligations of Producer under EPR for Waste Tyres

As defined in paragraph 1(e) of the 2022 Rules, EPR applies to producers, that includes the manufacturers as well as the importers and brand Owners (PIBOs) that deal in


    • Manufactures and sells new tyres domestically; or
    • Sells domestically under its brand, new tyres manufactured by other manufacturers or suppliers
    • Sells imported new tyre
    • Imports vehicles fitted with new tyres
    • Automobile manufacturers importing new tyres for use in new vehicles sold domestically.
    • Imports waste tyre

As defined in paragraph 1(f), of the 2022 Rules, ‘‘recycling’’ is the conversion of the waste tyre into end products in an environmentally sound manner and possessing facilities as elaborated in the SOP as specified by the CPCB.


    • Reclaimed Rubber
    • Crumb Rubber
    • Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB)
    • Recovered Carbon Black
    • Pyrolysis Oil or Char

After the amendment of the rules in 2022, the responsibilities of producers, recyclers and retreaders w.r.t EPR for Waste Tyres were fixed. Producers have been assigned the responsibility to recycle waste tyres equivalent to the weight of new tyres that they had manufactured or imported in the previous year. For importers of waste tyres, the EPR obligation will amount to 100 % of the waste tyres they imported in the previous year. The entities will have to submit their manufacturing data as per the following directions.


Businesses established before FY 2019-20 Businesses established in FY 2020-21 New Producers
manufactured quantity/import quantity is to be provided from FY2019-20 onwards manufactured quantity/import quantity is to be provided from the year of their establishment onwards. Those businesses that have not carried out any manufactured quantity/import so far mention should mention “0 (Zero)” in the manufacturing data submission table.

Note: After the year 2024-2025 (year Y), the extended producer responsibility obligation shall be 100% of the quantity of new tyres manufactured or imported in the year (Y-2). Also, Units established after the 1st of April 2022, the extended producer responsibility obligation shall start after two years (Y) and should be 100% of the new tyres manufactured or imported in the year (Y-2).

Role of Recyclers in the EPR Regime

Further, as per provisions of paragraph 7 of Schedule —IX, the above entities are required to fulfil their EPR obligation through the online purchase of EPR Credits or retreading credits through registered recyclers and retreaders of the waste tyre. The EPR obligation for the producers of new tyres has been fixed as follows.


Note: The extended producer responsibility obligation for waste tyre importers and recyclers in the year (Y) will be 100% of the tyre imported in the year (Y-1). The import of waste tyres to produce pyrolysis oil or char is prohibited.

General Instruction for all Entities

Applicants can opt for multiple categories of producers based on their business. The applicant has to upload a cover letter making a formal request to CPCB for registration at the online portal. The cover letter should be on the company’s letterhead and has to be signed by the authorized person, and should have the company’s seal. The scanned cover letter copy must be uploaded on the portal. He must, however, Specify the category of producers as per business activities carried out by him on the application.

The documents uploaded in the application should have a uniform address and match the address mentioned in the registration form. Applicant to provide accurate and verified data w.r.t its manufacturing & import. Documents in support of submission should be available in the producer’s office and can be verified by officials of CPCB/SPCB at any time.

How we are helping clients?

Our team of professionals can provide a solution for evaluation, applying for registration, assisting in representing before the authorities, including for resolution of ambiguity and assisting in annual filings.


What steps have been taken by the government for the utilization and management of waste tyres?

MoEF&CC has notified the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022, vide Notification No. G.S.R. 593(E) dated 21.07.2022. The amendments have provisions for the utilization & management of waste tyres through regime of Extended Producer responsibility as per schedule-IX.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) means the responsibility of a producer
for the environmentally sound management of the product until the end of its life.

(i) Used and/or End of Life Battery and/or its components or spares or parts or consumables which may or may not be hazardous in nature;

(ii) Pre-consumer Off-Spec Battery and its components or spares or parts or consumables;

(iii) Battery whose date for appropriate use has expired;

(iv) Battery which has been discarded by the user.

Entities those are required to register on the centralized Waste Tyre EPR portal developed by CPCB?

The following entities are required to register on the centralized Waste Tyre EPR
portal developed by CPCB:

If any entity is covered in more than one of the above categories i.e producer, recycler, or retreader, then what is the procedure for registration?

In case of any entity is covered in more than one category i.e producer, recycler, retreader then the said entity has to registered under those categories separately

Who is considered a producer as per the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022?

As per the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary
Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022, a Producer’’ means any person or entity
who, –
manufactures and sells new tyre domestically; or
sells domestically under its own brand, new tyre manufactured by
other manufacturers or suppliers; or
(iii) sells imported new tyre; or
(iv) imports vehicles fitted with new tyres; or
(v) automobile manufacturers importing new tyre for use in new vehicles
sold domestically; or
(vi) imports waste tyres;

Who is considered a Recycler according to the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022?

A recycler is any entity involved in the process of converting waste tyres into the
following end products, in an environmentally sound manner, and having facilities as
specified by the Rule, namely:
Reclaimed rubber
Crumb rubber
Crumb rubber modified bitumen (CRMB)
Recovered carbon black (RCB)
Pyrolysis oil or Char

What is retreading?

Retreading means the process of renewal of tread and sidewall rubber of a worn-out tyre having a good structural quality

EPR Obligations are applicable to the producer importing new or used tyres?

The EPR obligation applies to producers importing both new and used tyres.

What assistance is provided for facilitating registration at CPCB’s Centralized Portal for Management of Waste Tyre?

The following assistance has been provided for facilitating registration at CPCB’s Centralized Portal for Management of Waste Tyre:
I. Instruction sheet for filling of application is provided below the Sign in/login section
II. i-button with assisting provided in specific sections
III. Standard Operating Procedure uploaded on the website
IV. A video tutorial for registration of recycler is available on the portal

What documents are required for registration as a producer and recycler at CPCB’s Centralized Portal for Management of Waste Tyre?

Documents requirement is mentioned on the Instruction sheets available at Waste Tyre EPR Portal.

What is a producer's responsibility under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022?

Under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary
Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022, a producer shall be responsible for fulfilling
extended producer responsibility by purchasing EPR certificates from registered
recyclers only. The producer shall be responsible to file annual and quarterly returns
in the forms as specified by the Central Pollution Control Board on the portal on or
before the end of the month succeeding the quarter/ financial year to which the
return relates.

Weather a registered producer/recycler/retreader can carry out business with an unregistered entity?

As per Rules, producer, recycler & retreader are required to registered on Waste
Tyre EPR Portal and No entity shall not carry out business without registration.

What is the responsibility of the recycler the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2022?

Every Waste tyre recycler has to register themselves on the waste tyre portal All the recyclers shall submit the information regarding the quantity of waste tyres procured, end product produced, extended producer responsibility certificate sold, and such other relevant information on the portal on monthly basis. All the recycler shall file annual and quarterly returns in the Form as specified on the portal on or before the end of the month succeeding the quarter/ financial year to which the return relates.

What is the extended producer responsibility certificate?

The Central Pollution Control Board will assign extended producer responsibility
obligations to a producer based on the quantity of tyre manufactured or imported by
it. Based on the quantity assigned in EPR obligation, producer will accordingly
purchase EPR certificate from a registered recycler.Tyre EPR Portal and No entity shall not carry out business without registration.

What will be the relevance of retreading certificate?

On production of retreading certificates, the extended producer responsibility
obligation shall be deferred by one year for the corresponding quantity of waste
tyres. Provided that the obligation shall be extinguished only after end-of-life
disposal through a registered recycler.

How will CPCB calculate the eligible quantity to generate extended producer responsibility certificates?

Quantity eligible for generating extended producer responsibility certificates (QEPR
= Q P x C F x W P)
QP Quantity of end product
CF Conversion factor determined by CPCB
WP Weightage allotted to the end product
e.g. If Recycler has production capacity of crumb rubber is 100 MT/annum (end
product) and recycler has sold the 10 MT Crumb Rubber to a Buyer. After submitting
the sales details in the EPR credit Generation” section. The quantity of EPR credit
will be generate as follow and show in EPR wallet.
Quantity of EPR credit generate (QEPR) = QP x CF x WP
QEPR = 10 X 1.333 X 1 QEPR = 13.33 MT

What is the validity of EPR Certificate?

The validity of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) certificate shall be two
years from the end of the financial year in which it was generated.

Can a producer fulfil their EPR obligations with EPR certificate generated in previous year?

” The validity of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) certificate shall be two
years from the end of the financial year in which it was generated. The producer can
fulfil their EPR obligation with the help of EPR certificate generated in any financial
year, as long the certificate is valid”
e.g. A producer can fulfill the EPR Obligations of FY 2023-24 or 2024-25 with the
help of EPR certificate generated in FY 2022-23.

Weather Recyclers who have obtained a valid SPCB/PCC registration also need to apply on the Centralized Waste Tyre EPR Portal?

Yes, a recycler who has valid CTO and Authorization from the concerned
SPCB/PCC is also required to register at the Centralized Waste Tyre EPR portal.

Whether EPR obligations are also applicable on the tyres exported by the Producers?

The EPR obligations are not applicable on quantity of tyres exported by a producer

What is the category of producer?

There are total 6 type of categories of producers who have to register on the EPR
portal for management of waste tyre
Producer(P1) – manufactures and sells new tyre domestically
Producer(P2) – sells domestically under its own brand, new tyre manufactured by
other manufacturers or suppliersProducer(P3) – sells imported new tyre
Producer(P4) – imports vehicles fitted with new tyres
Producer(P5) – automobile manufacturers importing new tyre for use in new vehicles
sold domestically
Producer(P6) – imports waste tyre

Under which category, the waste tire importers are required to be registered on Waste tyre EPR portal?

A waste tyre importer should register as both a producer as well as a recycler. The
SOP and instruction sheet for the registration of producers and recyclers are
available on the portal. A video tutorial for recycler registration is also available on
the website under the Important Information section. The video tutorial can be found
at: https://eprtyrescpcb.in/public/screen-capture.mp4
Note: Different contact details, mobile number and email IDs are required for the
registration as Producer and Recycler.

Whether a company having corporate office in one state may have operating facility in one or more than one state. In that case, whether registration is applicable for the facility at the corporate office or at each facility separately.

o For producers with operating facilities or units in more than one state and falling
under categories P1 to P5, registration of the corporate office (or principal place of
business) is only required.
o For waste tyre importers (Producer – P6) with multiple recycling units, each
recycling unit must be registered separately
Example: A producer of new tyre having 4 manufacturing units in different states.
What is the process to register all 4 manufacturing units?
In case of the producer having more than one manufacturing unit in different
locations or states. The single registration of the corporate office (or principal place
of business) is only required.
Example: A tyre recycler having 3 recycling units in different location or states. What
is the process to register all 3 recycling facilities?
In case of the waste tyre recycler, all 3 recycling units required to register

How can any stakeholder contact with CPCB?

For the queries related to the waste tyre portal you may email to CPCB on [email protected], 011-43102317.